News and Information
Sophomore to Junior Powerpoint
Click here for PSAT Powerpoint
Class of 2017 February Newsletter
Brief Guide to Working with My College QuickStart:
Penn College and Resource Center Presentation for Sophomores
Click here for the 2016/17 Junior course menu
Click here for the 2016/17 Junior HAC Scheduling Worksheet
How Do I read My PSAT Score?
PSAT scores are reported in two-digit numbers: 20 the lowest to 80 the highest. The SAT ranges from 200-800 on all three sections so if you added a zero to each of your scores, you could tell how you might score on the SAT. So, if your Math, Critical Reading and Writing Scores are all 50's, that'd be like earning a 1500 on the SAT.
Your score will tell you how close you are to having the skills necessary to succeed in college. Everybody will probably have work to do, but scores of 50 and lower may require you to take more challenging courses to hone your skills.
Please remember that in order to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship, you must take the PSAT again next year as a junior.
ONLY junior scores are used to determine eligibility for the National Merit Scholarship.
Remember to take your results page home to show your parents (don't leave it in your backpack!)