Playschool and Toddler Time offered at Penn High School
Each year the Penn High School students enrolled in Childhood Development classes offer the two unique programs described below for preschoolers in our community.
We encourage you to take advantage of PLAYSCHOOL and TODDLER TIME if you have young children in your household, and to tell your friends as well!
Toddler Time
Click here for the Spring 2024-25 Toddler Time enrollment form.
For children ages 1 – 3 and a parent or caregiver. It is led by the students enrolled in the Early Childhood Education classes and is designed to help them learn about the toddlers through direct interaction and observations. It is FREE for the toddler and caregiver!
Dates and times:
If you sign up for a group, we plan on you attending each day listed at that time. You are welcome to sign up for more than one! For Example: if you would like to go everyday, you can sign up for both the G3 Orange group & B3 Blue Group, or G4 Yellow Group & B4 Blue Group. Parents can sign up for more than one group.
Gold Dates: Dec. 5, Dec. 7, Dec. 11, Dec. 13
Black Dates: Dec. 6, Dec. 8, Dec. 12, Dec. 14
G3 ORANGE GROUP TIMES: 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
B2 GREEN GROUP TIMES: 10:10-11:10 a.m.
B3 BLUE GROUP TIMES: 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
Click here for the 2024-25 Playschool Enrollment form.
Child Development students are in charge of creating intellectual, social, emotional, and physical lesson plans and games to engage 3 – 4-year-old children. It is a wonderful, hands-on experience for these eager students to incorporate all that we have discussed throughout the school year. In addition, it is a great opportunity for young children to have interaction with fellow peers.
Enrollment is for toddlers from ages 3-4, and they must be potty-trained. There is a one-time enrollment fee of $10 per child as we do provide snacks/supplies.
If you sign up for a group, we plan on you attending each day listed at that time. You are welcome to sign up for more than one! For Example: if you would like to go everyday, you can sign up for both the G3 Orange group & B3 Blue Group, or G4 Yellow Group & B4 Blue Group. Parents can sign up for more than one group.
It is very important that children be dropped off on time for PLAYSCHOOL and picked up on time afterwards!
Please enter from Jefferson Road. Pull up to the crosswalk, and walk the children to Door K where Penn students will be waiting to meet the children and assist the parents if necessary.
If you do not want your child’s picture taken and possibly posted on social media for observation and education purposes (children’s names are never listed), please note that on the enrollment form. We will make sure your privacy is respected.
Playschool 2
Click here for the Playschool enrollment form.
For potty-trained children, ages 4-5, gearing towards kindergarten. Student-led lesson plans with stations and routines.
Option #1 Wach’s Group: 8:30-9:45 a.m. every Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday. $50 Per Semester
Option #2 Wetzel’s Group: 8:30-11:15 a.m. every Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday. $100 Per Semester
Additional notes:
- It is very important that children be dropped off on time for PLAYSCHOOL and picked up on time afterwards!
- Please enter from Jefferson Road. Pull up to the crosswalk, and walk the children to Door K where Penn students will be waiting to meet the children and assist the parents if necessary.
- If you do not want your child’s picture taken and possibly posted on social media for observation and education purposes (children’s names are never listed), please note that on the enrollment form. We will make sure your privacy is respected.
Both TODDLER TIME and PLAYSCHOOL give the Child Development students at the high school an opportunity to plan intellectual, social, and physical development-based lessons, teach these lessons, and observe behaviors of young children.
Both programs are part of Penn High School’s Health and Human Services Academy and are under the direction of certified teacher Kylee Wetzel. Kylee can be reached at (574) 259-7961, extension 20132 or email Kylee Wetzel: kwetzel@phm.k12.in.us
Becky Wachs also teaches Toddler Time and Playschools. Becky can be reached at (574) 259-7961, extension 20130 or email Becky Wachs: rwachs@phm.k12.in.us
Follow Toddler Time and Playschool on Twitter @PennFACS , Facebook at @Kylee Wetzel and Instagram at @mrswetzel.phm.
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