Student Community Opportunities


This specific webpage is a posting of various community events, and are not necessarily activities with an affiliation to Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation. Rather, this is a community-based webpage that P-H-M parents and the student body, at parental discretion, may review out of interest. As such, Penn-Harris-Madison does not explicitly endorse the postings listed below, unless they are highlighted in yellow, as an official P-H-M event or activity.

As a public educational institution, Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation is prohibited from promoting conferences, camps, scholarships for such activities, or any other opportunities that may exclude or otherwise discriminate against students on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, sex, or any other protected characteristic. 

Under recent U.S. Presidential and Indiana Governor Executive Orders, P-H-M as a public entity cannot promote D.E.I. programs and initiatives or provide access to organizations that have D.E.I. programs and initiatives.

Events and organizations listed on this page have signed a non-discrimination form attesting to and certifying that they are in accordance with all federal and state executive orders and laws. 

It is the responsibility of parents/guardians/custodians to do their due diligence before deciding whether or not their student(s) can participate in any event or activity listed below.

Click on any event for more details.

PHM Summer Maintenance/Grounds Support
Must be 18 years of age
Computer Discount for Seniors
Mini-Medical University for Teens
Information Night on Thursday, March 13, 6:00pm
Riverbend Math Circles at Notre Dame
Engaging Math Activities for 9th - 12th grade