Penn places first at TSA competition

Posted on February 21, 2025

Penn High School placed first overall at the Technology Student Association Indiana State Conference competition held at Purdue University, February 14-15, 2025.

A Photo Gallery is posted below.

Individual results:

Audio Podcasting:

1st: Ishita Awasthi, Fiona Bao, Diya Lahane, and Vyomi Patel

2nd: Jacob Bognar and Carter Mitchell

Board Game Design:

1st: Kai King, Carter Mitchell, Hal Roach, and Mitchell Schindler

5th: Shivam Kalani, Kathy Lee, Harsh Patel, and Emily Shim

CAD 2D Architectural Design:

5th: William Wu

CAD 3D , Engineering Design:

1st: Raafe Rahman

4th: Kathy Lee

Children’s Stories:

2nd: Amina Spahic, Rebecca Wolter, and Kelsey Meyer

3rd: Madison Kuzmic, Victoria Kuznetsov, and Jasmine Petresh


4th: Sultaan Khan and Aydin Kurama

5th: Joshua Oh and Aydin Qazi

Debating Technology Issues:

2nd: Kai King and Sohan Patel

3rd: Arnav Meda and Kaiyi Zhao

Dragster Design:

5th: Calum Jessop

Engineering Design:

1st: Shivam Kalani, Kathy Lee, Harsh Patel, and Emily Shi

Future Tech Teacher:

1st: Jacob Bognar

Manufacturing Prototype:

1st: Kai King and Hal Roach

On Demand Video:
1st: Ishita Awasthi, Fiona Bao, Diya Lahane, and Vyomi Patel

2nd: Calum Jessop, Liam Perrin, Raafe Rahman, Wasi Rasul, and Kevin Wu

5th: Hamza Ansari, Sultaan Khan, Aydin Kurama, Aidan Lee, Joshua Oh, Aydin Qazi, MohamedSuliman, and William Wu

Photographic Technology:

2nd: Rishita Maheshwaram

Prepared Presentation:

3rd: Kaiyi Zhao

5th: Arnav Meda

Structural Design and Engineering:

1st: Amina Spahic and Rebecca Wolter

Technology Problem Solving:

1st: Liam Perrin and Raafe Rahman

Elected TSA State Officers for the 2025-2026 school year:

President: Ishita Masetty

Treasurer: Abhijay Masetty

Last Modified February 21, 2025