Evan Li named Indiana Academic All-Star
Posted on March 30, 2021Penn High School Principal Sean Galiher announced the Penn student Evan Li has been named a 2021 Indiana Academic All-Star by the Indiana Association of School Principals.
Now in its 35th year, forty high school seniors from throughout Indiana have been named 2021 Indiana Academic All-Stars, a program of the Indiana Association of School Principals (IASP). In addition, 50 other students were recognized as Academic All-Star Regional Honorees. The students were selected from a field of 270 outstanding nominees from the state’s private and public accredited schools.
Academic All-Star distinction recognizes seniors who excel in the classroom first and foremost, but who also are actively involved in their schools and communities, and take on leadership roles in those activities. The program is produced by the Indiana Association of School Principals, with support provided by DePauw University, Indiana University Bloomington, and Purdue University, along with corporate partner Herff Jones.
Student awards will be presented in May by university partners and the Indiana Association of School Principals. Herff Jones provides the plaques awarded to the 40 Indiana Academic All-Stars and their Influential Educators.
The IASP Indiana Academic All-Stars program salutes academic excellence in the same manner that student athletes traditionally are honored. By providing a showcase for academically talented seniors, the sponsoring organizations hope to accomplish the following objectives:
- Give academic achievement the prestige it deserves;
- Motivate students to recognize the value of academic excellence;
- Provide students with an incentive for academic achievement, and
- Promote a positive image of Indiana’s young people.
Last Modified January 12, 2022