Women of Color Coalition

Sponsor: Angela Yarrell

The Women of Color Coalition aims to strengthen the community of women within Penn  and prepare them for life beyond it. The coalition will offer not just a support group for Women Of Color, but also resources on how to become a strong and independent woman in society.  As a club,  we will offer mentorship that will help strengthen leadership, problem-solving, and teamwork skills that will grow the community within Penn High School and within the real world. Women of color are typically underrepresented in numerous high-status and high-paying fields, such as business corporations, STEM, and government roles. Women of Color Coalition will work to foster a community that has a set goal of promoting more Women of Color into leadership positions and their underrepresented fields. 

Dues are $10 a year.

Regularly scheduled meetings will be held on the first Monday of each month at 7:30 a.m. Contact Miss Yarrell for more information.