Penn Republican Club

Sponsor: Daniel Schaetzle

Hello and welcome to the Penn Republican Club! The purpose of the Penn Republican Club is threefold and as follows:

To educate members on the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the principles of governance championed by the Founding Fathers.  These usually are short five to ten-minute discussions at club meetings in which we see how Republican values champion the ideals of our Founders. 

To offer members the opportunity to attend GOP events in St. Joe County and meet Republican elected officials.  These opportunities come quite regularly each year.  In the past two years, members have met Governor Eric Holcomb, Senator Mike Braun, Representative Jackie Walorski, Mayor Dave Wood of Mishawaka and many others. 

To participate in a philanthropic endeavor that creates a sustainable difference in the life or lives it touches. Last year the club raised money to buy stuffed animals that are used by the St. Joseph County Sheriff’s Office and Mishawaka City Police to comfort children in traumatic situations.  We collected 418 stuffed animals in total. Several officers recalled accounts in which children who had received these stuffed animals later recalled the comfort they received from the gift – an act of kindness that made a sustainable difference in their lives.

The Club meets every other Thursday at 7:30 a.m. in Room 177. If you have any questions, you can email Mr. Schaetzle at

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