NCTE High School Teacher of Excellence: Mary Nicolini

Posted on July 6, 2021

The Indiana Council of Teachers of English (ICTE) is the state affiliate for the National Council of Teachers of English.

According to their website their “focus is to support the professional growth and work of all English teachers at all levels in Indiana.

Our very own Mary Nicolini was honored with the NCTE 2021 High School Teacher of Excellence Award! 

The following is an excerpt from the press release announcing the good news!

Established in 2001 by the NCTE Secondary Section, this award recognizes and celebrates high school classroom teachers who demonstrate excellent practices and contributions in the classroom. Nicolini stood out as a strong candidate for her many positive contributions made to Penn High School, not just for her students but also for her colleagues.

Nicolini will be recognized by NCTE at the Secondary Section Luncheon at the 2021 NCTE Annual Convention.

In the words of one of her recommenders, “She is full of thoughtful pauses that communicate an ability to listen that invites students and colleagues in. Her charisma makes those around her want to be part of her endeavors. We are all her students.”

Within her school community, Nicolini has taken on many leadership roles. These roles include teacher training, designing and implementing a writing center in PHS, curriculum development, and co-founding a Virtual Arts Summer Academy. Nicolini is a leader and founder of PHS Early College Academy that focuses on providing students with access to college courses during high school. In her classroom she provides her students with materials that challenge their thinking and allows them to express themselves in ways they don’t always get to throughout their teenage years. As one of her recommenders noted, “In a world that is experiencing tremendous change and turmoil, students need teachers like Ms. Nicolini more than ever before.”

Congratulations Mary, this is an outstanding example of PHMExcellence and we are so proud that you’re a Kingsmen!

Last Modified January 12, 2022