Family and Consumer Sciences Courses

Family and Consumer Science Education


(IPR)                                           1001 or 1024

1 Semester     1 Credit      Grades: 9-12

Prerequisite: None              

Fee: $3


COURSE DESCRIPTION: [IDOE 5364]  This is an introductory course that is especially relevant for students interested in careers that involve interacting and working with people.  It is also valuable for all students, as it provides everyday life and communication skills.  Topics covered include personality, positive character traits, heredity and your environment. Students will gain skills and knowledge as it pertains to building positive and productive relationships in various aspects of life, such as career, community and various relationships.  Other main topics include positive communication skills, conflict prevention and resolution, as well as digital responsibility.

CHILD DEVELOPMENT (Sem. 1)           3088

ADVANCED CHILD                      (1023/1026)

DEVELOPMENT (Sem. 2)              

2 Semesters   2 Credits        Grades: 9-12

Fee:  $9


COURSE DESCRIPTION: [IDOE 5362 & 5360] This course is designed to explore the stages of a child's development from conception through childhood. It includes a study of the responsibilities and decisions involved in effective parenting. Emphasis is given to the physical, emotional, intellectual and social growth of the child.  Student directed learning opportunities include a toddler/parent experience (1 – 3 year olds) and play school program (3 – 4 year olds).

EDUCATION PROFESSIONS I          1005         (Advanced Child Development)                     

2 Semesters   4 Credits   Grades: 10-12

1 period daily

Prerequisites: Child Development with an “A” or “B” and application required.

Fee: $9

COURSE DESCRIPTION: [IDOE 5408] This course emphasizes the developmental stages of children beginning with the pre-school child.  Emphasis is placed on designing and implementing learning activities for children preparing to enter kindergarten.  Laboratory experiences are divided between a pre-school located in Penn High School and elementary school experiences.  Students intern in elementary schools more than 60 hours.  Penn’s Playschool 2 offers an additional 60+ hours of work with pre-school age children.  This is an excellent course for students with interest in education and related career paths.


(Family Relations)                          1003 or 1022

I Semester      1 Credit          Grades: 10-12           

Prerequisite:   None

Fee:  $3


COURSE DESCRIPTION: [IDOE 5366] This course is designed to help guide the student in making family and life decisions currently and in the future. Changing roles in society and relationships with others are examined with emphasis on preparation for marriage. The responsibilities of family members, preventing problems in marriage, preventing divorce, and how to handle family crises effectively are also studied.


1 Semester                 1 Credit     Grades: 10-12

Prerequisite: None

Fee: $10


COURSE DESCRIPTION: [IDOE 5350] This introductory course is essential for students interested in academic enrichment or a career within the housing, interior design, or furnishings industry.  The class focuses on several aspects of the home, primarily its interior environment.  Units of study include architectural styles, universal design, with a strong emphasis placed on the Elements of Design, Color, and the Principles of Design.  Students will create and design their own room based on the concepts learned in class.  


(Single Survival)                         1011 or 1014

1 Semester     1 Credit          Grades: 10-12

Prerequisite: None

Class Set – $0            Fee: $3


COURSE DESCRIPTION: [IDOE 5330] This course is structured to provide a practical study of the decisions necessary for learning to live independently. It primarily focuses on making decisions pertaining to areas such as post-secondary education, career exploration, financial literacy, housing, and being a wise consumer.  The financial unit places an emphasis on savings, checking, budgeting and wise use of credit.

NUTRITION AND WELLNESS (Sem. 1) ADVANCED NUTRITION AND WELLNESS (Sem. 2)                                     3087 (1007/1008)

(FOODS I)                

2 Semesters               2 Credits        Grades:  9-12

Prerequisite:  None

Fee:  $25

COURSE DESCRIPTION: [IDOE 5342 & 5340] Nutrition and Wellness enables students to learn the basics of working in the kitchen, with a focus on safety and sanitation, proper equipment use and following a recipe. It empowers them to apply these skills in their everyday lives.  This course uses a lab setting for practical application of food preparation.  Units of study include yeast breads, fruits, meats, poultry, cakes, cookies, candies, vegetables, pastries, cheese, rice and pasta.  Other units include regional foods, eggs, quick breads, soups, and food preservation.

CULINARY ARTS & HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT                                         1009

(Foods II)

2 Semesters     2 Credits      Grades:  10-12

Prerequisite:  Nutrition & Wellness (Foods I with an A or B grade)

Textbook Rental: NONE  

Fee: $25

COURSE DESCRIPTION: [IDOE 5440] In this course, students will continue to expand their culinary skills with both cooking and baking. They will explore various careers in the food industry as well as study global cuisine and prepare several dishes from a variety of countries.  Additional units include menu planning and catering.


(Sewing I)                                                 1025

2 Semesters   2 Credits        Grades:  9-12

Prerequisite:  None 

Textbook Rental: Class set $0

Fee: $14                                        

Additional Cost:  Students provide their own fabric and supplies for projects.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: [IDOE 5380] This course has a project-based approach that integrates instruction and laboratory experiences including application of selection, production, alteration, repair, and maintenance of apparel and textile products.   Emphasis on helping the student interpret and follow instructions from commercial patterns to wearable and non-wearable projects is also included.   This course is hands on sewing and it will be necessary for the student to complete a minimum of four projects with supplies purchased by the student.


(Sewing 2)                                                1027

2 Semesters   2 Credits        Grades: 10-11-12

Prerequisite:  Intro to Fashion & Textiles (with an A grade) or Application

Fee: $15

COURSE DESCRIPTION:   [IDOE 5420]  Fashion and Textiles Careers prepares students for occupations and higher education programs of study related to fashion, apparel, and other textiles management, production, and services.  Extensive sewing and tailoring is included in this higher level.  Expect to sew daily and to purchase required tools, fabric and notions for projects. Time management will also be a focus for planning and completing fashion projects.   This course may be taken for 3 years for a maximum of 6 credits.


(Fashion & Textiles Careers II)

1 Semester        1 Credit        Grades:  10-12

Textbook rental: $15.05

Fee: $3

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  [IDOE 5421] Fashion Merchandising is a specialized marketing course providing instruction in the marketing of apparel and accessories of all kinds.  Emphasis is placed on oral and written communications, problem solving and critical thinking skills as they relate to apparel design, selling, pricing, distribution, fashion promotion, visual merchandising, fashion cycles, fashion theories, and career opportunities in the fashion industry.  Instructional strategies may include a school-based enterprise, computer/technology applications, real and/or simulated occupational experiences, and projects in the marketing functions.

INTRODUCTION TO CULINARY ARTS & HOSPITALITY                          1013 or 1016

(Hospitality Management)

1 Semester     1 Credit    Grades:  10-12

Prerequisite:  None

Textbook Rental:  $21.60

Fee:  $3

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  [IDOE 5438] Hospitality Management prepares students for employment in the hospitality industry.  It provides the foundations for study that leads to a full spectrum of hospitality careers.  This is a broad-based course that introduces students to all segments of hospitality, what it includes, and career opportunities that are available exposes students to current trends and current events within the industry.  Some goals of this course are for students to able to:  identify current trends in hotel and service industry, distinguish the difference between hospitality and tourism, and understand sales and merchandising from both a tourist and occupational point of view.