Incoming Freshmen
Welcome to Penn High School! Here you will find important information for future Kingsmen.
We want all eighth graders well prepared when making the transition from middle school to Penn High School; that’s why we organize a variety of open houses and other informational sessions to welcome students, help get them prepared, provide scheduling information and answer all questions.
**Shadowing will not be allowed this year.
We hope all parents and students will attend the Penn Showcase from 6-8 p.m., Monday, Dec. 4,
- Tour the Building, see live classes, talk to teachers/students.
Parents, please join us for a presentation including graduation requirements, diploma options, choosing classes, and getting involved at Penn High School. In-district, non-P-H-M Families – information will be included on how to enroll your student. Q&A will be available after each session.
- Discovery – Nov. 28 (9:50 a.m.-12 p.m.)
- Schmucker – Nov. 28 (12:40 p.m.-2:50 p.m.)
- Grissom – Nov. 29 (9:50 a.m.-12 p.m.)
Course Scheduling Resources:
If a student and/or family members are unable to attend any of the Scheduling Information Sessions listed below these Course Scheduling Resources can be helpful:
- Transitioning to Freshman year slide deck (for students)
- Transitioning to Freshman year slide deck (for parents)
- Grade 9 Four-Year Planner
- Grace 9 course menu
- Skyward Course Request Video
- Skyward Course Request Instructions
- Peer Leader Application
- Program of Studies