Incoming Freshmen

Welcome to Penn High School! Here you will find important information for future Kingsmen. 


New Indiana Diploma Requirements

The Class of 2029 will be the first cohort of students under the new Indiana Department of Education diploma requirements. These new requirements are scheduled were approved in December 2024. We encourage all families to listen to the video below and review the accompanying links that describe the diploma changes in greater depth.  We have added time stamps to help navigate the video. As always, please contact Penn High School with any questions.
Click HERE to watch video describing the new diploma requirements. 

Click HERE for a Core 40 vs. the new diploma requirements comparison.

Go to these timestamps  for specific highlighted below:

  • 01:43 – The Freshman Experience

  • 03:30 – Introducing the New Indiana Diploma 

  • 04:59 – Comparing the current CORE 40 with the new diploma

  • 07:50 – Honors Seal Explanation

  • 11:39 – Honors PLUS Seal Explanation

  • 14:18 – Choosing classes and 9th Grade Course Selection Sheet

  • 15:06 – Scheduling Timeline

  • 15:38 – Honors Classes, Electives, & Math Sequence

  • 16:54 – PE vs. Physical Condition & Summer PE/Health

We want all current eighth graders (incoming Freshmen) to be well prepared when making the transition from middle school to Penn High School; that’s why we organize a variety of open houses and other informational sessions to welcome students, help get them prepared, provide scheduling information and answer all questions.

In early December, we hold the Penn Showcase which both parents and students are encouraged to attend. Click here to see photos from the 2024 Showcase on our Facebook page.

Prior to 8th graders choosing their schedules for their Freshmen year, students from all three of P-H-M’s middle schools visit Penn High School during a school day. They take tour the building, hear a presentation on preparing for high school, including diploma options, graduation pathways, choosing classes, getting involved in extra-curriculars, and a Q&A session.
If an in district family has a student that attended another middle school and wants to now enroll in Penn High School. Please contact us to make arrangements for a tour.

Click for details on enrolling in Penn High School.

PRE-REGISTRATION ENROLLMENTS: Appointments to meet with the counselor will resume after Spring Break. Paperwork can be turned in at any time, please contact for more information.

Course Scheduling Resources:

If a student and/or family members are unable to attend any of the Scheduling Information Sessions these Course Scheduling Resources can be helpful: