Dream Commission Society
The mission of the Penn High School DCS Club is to foster meaningful connections between our members and adults at the Logan Center, building strong relationships while offering support and assistance in various ways.
Penn High School DCS Club´s purpose is to enrich the lives of adults with disabilities at the Logan Center by helping them enjoy activities and events, like dances, that others often take for granted. We also aim to brighten their day through thoughtful gifts made with care and compassion.
Eligibility Requirements: All Penn students are invited to join in the beginning of the school year. There is a $10 membership fee.
Sponsor/Coach Name: Cathy Maes.
Meetings will be held the first Tuesday of every month (unless stated otherwise). All members are expected to attend at least 5 times. All members are expected to volunteer one inside hour (setting up parties, or chaperoning parties) and one outside hour (volunteering at the Logan Center) each semester.