Artistic expression and politics converge in assignment


Student Reporter

Georgia O’Keeffe was a very progressive artist during the 1900s, and her influence is touching students at Penn High School in the 2000s.


O’Keeffe’s art was unlike any other of the time period, and it is relevant in today’s era. Penn High School art instructor Mrs. Becky Hope had her art classes participated in a project using elements of Georgia O’Keeffe’s art style, and blended with political expression, which O’Keeffe often did through her art. The students were asked to draw or paint a skull and use the background of the painting to express their feelings about the election.


Kara Harvey is one of the students that took part in the project. “I had mixed feelings, but was mostly upset with the outcome”  Kara said when asked about her feeling of the election. Her project used emojis to express her feelings.


Students were also asked to complete a small writing prompt to compliment their art. Most responses described mixed feelings of the election. Some students responded with optimism, while others brought up how the election has separated the country.  

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