Photo Gallery of Penn’s Showcase

Penn High School assistant principal Duke Lines, Fine Arts Academy leader Glenn Northern, and STEM Academy leader Rachel Fry prior to greeting visitors at Penn’s Showcase for prospective and current students. 
Penn students Chase Couch and Brittney Hunsberger with a chinchilla from Penn’s Animal Science class.
Makayla Sailors holds a California Coral Snake from Animal Science class. 
Penn student Chris Dell is ready to talk about Penn’s Robotics Class to prospective freshmen.
Dylan Hill of Penn’s Robotics Class.
Edward Atkinson creates a flashy tower as part of the Penn Robotics presentation. 
Penn Graphic Design students, front left to right, Harrison Sills, Walker Zumbrun, Stephen Metzger, and back, left to right, Madison Lake, Logan Steinike, Chase Murray and Ashton Hershberger are ready to share about Graphic Arts electives.
Neal Nidea and Nuha Zackariya of the Dream Commission Society represent one of many clubs available for students to participate in at Penn.
Penn High School Art teacher Beth McKecknie displays student creations.
Whirlpool Innovation Challenge team members, from left, Frankie Minerva, Jeffrey Pawlik, Sam Moniz and Hayden Carnine prepare to meet prospective and current students. 
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